About Us

You’re called to preach We’re called to help you.

We created Sermonology in 2020 after realizing how many ministers are called to preach, but don’t have the training or support they need to thrive in their ministries or preach well.

We believe you can preach incredible sermons, and still have time for your family and everything that's important to you.

We know what it feels like to struggle week after week preparing sermons, to spend hours spinning your wheels in study. Or to deliver your message Sunday morning but feel like you blew it.

That’s why we created a system to help. 

We teach preachers to preach better, bring more people to Jesus with their sermons, and see transformation in their ministries! All by using a system that doesn't add more strain to their busy schedule.

We’ve been preaching a while now! We love preaching, but we love PREACHERS even more. That’s why we created Sermonology. To provide preachers just like you with the training and support you need to grow in your calling.

Check out our current programs

